We all put out little fires every day at work and at home. The role of the Dairy Communications Management Team is to quell fires before the dairy industry gets burned
The dairy industry has widely accepted sand as a leading bedding material. Nearly two-thirds of dairies utilize sand bedding in some format according to Nigel Cook, director of The Dairyland Initiative...
It turns out 2022 was a year for the dairy record books as mailbox milk prices posted a record $24.64 per hundredweight (cwt.). That value was 60 cents higher than the previous $24.04 watermark set in...
When a cow calves, its body is off to the races going through a number of changes giving birth and then quickly ramping up milk production. And although early lactation is when we will see cows be mos
Many common practices on dairy farms are subject to criticism by consumers and other stakeholders. During the webinar, von Keyserlingk will review approaches that have created concern in the past and discuss...
Many common practices on dairy farms are subject to criticism by consumers and other stakeholders. During the webinar, von Keyserlingk reviewed approaches that have created concern in the past and discussed...
The vast majority of our country’s population is several generations removed from farming. Most people are unfamiliar with modern production practices, yet dependent on agriculture and the food supply
At the peak of the COVID-19 panic buying in March, weekly dairy sales were nearly half a billion dollars higher than they would have been during a regular week, said market researcher Anne-Marie Roerink
More than $545 million in producer payments through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) have already been approved by the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
In the dialog of potential changes for the Margin Protection Program (MPP), feed cost coefficients are often the most discussed by farmers and dairy industry specialists. While this may in fact be an area...
Vitamin D is essential for human health, but very few foods contain it naturally. How, then, do we make sure we consume enough on a daily basis? Thankfully, through fortification, this critical nutrient...
by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor For cows to thrive, they need to move without impediment. The care, nutrition and environment we provide go a long way toward halting lameness in its tracks. Over an eight-year...